Vystavil Nikolette v 11:08 0 komentářů
Merry Christmas!
download here
Bohemian Art
Vystavil Nikolette v 14:06 0 komentářů
Hi again,
we have a next small gift just for you! We created A rainbowlike Mozaic - elements from Mozaic Freebie in 12 amazing colors !!! with 2 new bonus red sky papers. Here is the preview:
Enjoy this fun freebie here - download part one and part two. Hope you like it!
Happy Holidays!
Vystavil Nikolette v 11:06 3 komentářů
Také Vám chci ukázat "LO" od LazyKitty - moc se mi líbí:
I'd like to show you a 'LO' by LazyKitty - I really like it:
Vystavil MartinaS v 12:58 0 komentářů
How are you? We have been very busy with our families for the last couple of weeks so this is perhaps the last writing this year. But we did not forget about you – we have a small freebie for you:
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We are looking forward to seeing you in 2008.
Vystavil MartinaS v 23:36 4 komentářů
Hi all!
It`s monday AGAIN! We have 2 hot news in our shop - two alphabets this time. First one is amazing paper spotted alpha from Jungle Fever Kit:
And next is beautiful alpha from Glass Mozaic Kits in pink and green. It was very hard work on it, because every one noisette is in correct individual position with right lightening. Hard hand made!
And monday`s freebie? Oh, I have just a few minutes till midnight, LOL. So here it is - sampler from Boys Glass Mozaic. Hope you like it!
Vystavil Nikolette v 22:51 1 komentářů